Sunday, July 13, 2008

Casey & Kelly Visit

Casey and Kelly surprised us with a visit this week. With back to back visits from our guys, Larry and I are still grinning from ear to ear.

Of course, on the hottest day we've had this summer our AC stopped working. So, we bought small window units to get us through until the repairman could get to us.

Casey gives all the credit to Kelly for their joint effort on this food art.

We have building lots already designated for Kelly and Jennifer's dream homes....if they can live with the armidilla, deer, mosquitos, and extreme weather. Time to say good bye. We loved having you home again if only for a day or two. God has been so good to keep you safe and we pray for you both, and Eric and Jenn as well...always.

1 comment:

Kelly said...

We really enjoyed that visit. Thanks for taking the time to post the pictures! I had nothing to do with making that cake and you know it. UUUGly!!
