Friday, August 22, 2008

Meet Pecky and Becky

I would like for you to meet my new pets. The rooster is Pecky and the black bantum hen is Becky. We also have two white roosters and two white hens. They are bantums as well, but I haven't named them yet. They are all still pretty young and won't start laying until about November.
Larry and Audron have done such a good job of fencing in the back of the barn for them and making a comfortable roost and laying boxes. I'm so excited about the birds. In a couple of weeks I will be getting some Rhode Island Red chicks. They get a lot bigger and lay like crazy.

1 comment:

Kelly said...

Wow! I knew you getting ready for chickens, but I didn't know you already HAD some AND names! Pecky and Becky are very cute and have cool names! I bet fresh eggs taste so yummy...I've never had any. Watch out....pretty soon Larry will be raising pigs and cattle!