Tuesday, September 9, 2008

A Quiz for Naturalists

The nuts that are in this ball will look like large dark lustrous chestnuts...but they are poison. Old-Timers would carry one in their pocket as a good luck charm. Name that nut...BUCKEYE. The leathery hull drys and splits open to reveal beautiful hardwood nuts usually three or four per ball.
Small and sweet, this fall fruit will be a treat if you wait until it is at it's peak. One day early and your mouth will go curly-squirley. WILD PERSIMMONS.
The fruit of this flower is nature's noise maker. Drop and it may pop.
The fruit of the purple Passion Flower is a sweet hollow pod. They are called MAY-POPS! Country kids drop them, stomp them, and they may make a good "pop" ...Larry's father, used to say his car's tires are Maypops. Then he would laugh.

At the end of each twig you'll find a ....FIG

1 comment:

Kelly said...

Ok...I give up. Never seen....never heard of it...never knew there was fruit that popped when you dropped. Give us the answers to your quiz!