Monday, November 10, 2008

The Rare Gentian Wildflower

This is a Bottle Gentian. It is very uncommon and a real treat if you are lucky enough to find one. The first two pictures are of the only two specimins we could find. There are other types of Gentians that bloom in spring, but this type blooms mostly in October and November. It is a beautiful pure blue.
These two were found about 30 feet apart in the edge of the woods between Audron's Deer Park and Mill Creek. When forests are clearcut it drys the ground severely and most native mosses and canopy loving wildflowers just do not recover. Thank goodness for the few micro habitats that remain.

It looks as if they do not want to be pollenated, but I read that the big bumble bees push their way in and come out with lots of nectur and pollen. We're going to watch these closely to see how in the world the bees get in there to pollinate the tight lipped little blue balloons.

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